Whirlwind Weekend

Whirlwind Weekend

Oh my...
so much to share!
What a whirlwind the past 3 days were.

Friday I hosted 38 preschoolers and their parent (grandparents, etc).
These wonderfully enthusiastic and innocent children are from a local preschool.
I look forward to this preschool's springtime visit each year.
It's events like this that make the farm even more magical.

It was definitely the highlight of Ginger and MaryAnn's week.

And Daphne and Chloe were more than willing to receive a heavy dose of loving.

Gracie and the girls enjoyed lots of cracker treats.

Ok, well....Gracie had all the treats.
The twins just watched.

There is no doubt that their favorite part of the day was the pirate ship!

Each and every one walked the plank...
until there were 38 children on the deck (and in the hold.)

Amazingly, and happily, there were no injuries.

Saturday brought a trip to Maryland for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.

We arrived quite early and strolled the vendors' marketplace before the crowds.
There was so much fiber...fleeces, wool roving, yarn...
enough for a lifetime of fabulous projects.

There were sheep, of course! 

Angora bunnies for sale.

And Alpacas!

A bottle-fed lamb with a broken leg...
(this will be one very tame sheep when it is grown up!)

Sunday was filled with Tyler fun!

Visiting the chicks.

"Ahoy Maties!"

Climbing trees to escape "zombie pigs".
"Shhhhh....don't tell Ginger or MaryAnn that he called them that!"

And helping Grammie in the garden.

I cannot believe how big this little man has gotten.
Time passes way too quickly!

How about you...did you have any fun this weekend?

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