Why Homeschooling Works ~ No or Little Bureaucracy

Why Homeschooling Works ~ No or Little Bureaucracy

Homeschool Parents/Teachers are able to pick out the curriculum and textbooks that best suits their children/students. Unlike the public school system where the teacher may have very little input into what textbooks will be used in their classroom. This gives homeschoolers the chance to seek out the best textbooks available or to create their own 'books' if nothing suitable is available.

Homeschoolers are also able to arrange their school schedule to best meet their families needs. This allows families to take vacations when it is convenient for them. Not when the public school calendar dictates they can.

Paperwork is the bane of many public school teachers existence. But homeschoolers especially those in homeschool friendly states like Mississippi have little or no paperwork to deal with.

Testing often interrupts a public school teachers schedule, but homeschoolers (especially those in homeschool friendly states) can arrange testing to suit their schedule.

These are just a few reasons why homeschooling works, feel free to leave your reasons homeschooling works for your family.

Links to other post.
Why Homeschool: Bureaucracy may destroy the public school system
Past post on textbooks & bureaucracy at Alasandra.
Past post on textbooks at Homes~Schoolers Rule.

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