Why Is Jill Smiling?

Why Is Jill Smiling?

It was a fun weekend on the farm...

Everyone was in a playful mood!

Today's tale even made Jill smile.

We had a weekend full of friends and family.
We took a day trip to ArtsFest in State College, PA.
We cooked a pizza dinner for friends in the pizza oven...

We kayaked on our river...

enjoying the wildlife...
turtles, sunning themselves...

bald eagles fishing...  

damsel flies curious about my kayak... 

this group of rafters on a 2 day excursion...

It was a kayaking trip full of laughter.

It all started with one of the kids falling overboard.  
Hubbs jumped out of his kayak to help Angel get the water out of his tipped kayak.
After getting Angel back in his boat, Hubbs attempted to get back into his.




Splash!  Headfirst overboard back into the river...

But the best laugh of the day was later as we exited the river 5 miles downstream
where we had parked one of our vehicles...so that we could drive back upstream 
to get the truck and trailer...
It was at this point that we realized we had left the keys to that vehicle in the truck...
which was parked 5 miles upstream!
Thank goodness for kind friends who came to our rescue.

We picked another couple of gallons of blueberries last evening...
along with this produce from the garden...

Beautiful weekend weather was made even better with a heavy downpour Sunday night.

No watering duties, today!!!!  Hooooray!

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