Wildlife Wednesday

Wildlife Wednesday

A lot of our friends have commented on how rude the geese they know are. Ours must have attended a Manners Class as they are very nice. We thoughts we would tell you a little about them. We don't know where they come from but sometime in late January or early February a flock of like a zillion geese arrive. There are so many the sky gets dark and the pond is full of geese. They make a terrible racket with their honking. Luckily for us after an hour or two they all leave except for Mr. Gander & Mrs Goose.

Mr. & Mrs G stay pretty much down at the pond just walking around eating bugs and grass. Then Mrs G gets on the island in the middle of the pond and makes a nest you can barely see her even when you know she is there. Mr G stays in the pond or on it's banks guarding her. When the weather is really nice she will get off the nest and come eat with him. And there must be some sort of Geese Rule about nesting, because they will drive off any other geese that land in the pond although they don't bother the other birds wood ducks (maybe Mommy will get a picture one day they are good at hiding and very fast), egrets, cranes and assorted other water birds. They never bother us even when Mommy walks the dogs down by the pond. They just get in the pond. We have to say we don't bother them either. Fenris & Tuiren don't even bark at them.

Sometime around Easter the goslings will hatch. They walk around eating grass and looking cute until the goslings get big enough and then they all go off somewhere and we don't see them again until next year. We don't have a problem with goose poop as they stay mostly in the back.  We enjoy having them as guest but we are very glad they attended Manners Class after reading about some of the geese you know.

We hopes you have enjoyed learning about the Goose Family. ~ATCAD

- Wildlife Wednesday
 The Geese are back it looks like we have Mrs Goose and Mr Gander with the full grown Goslings from last year. We counted 7 Geese down at the pond. ~ATCAD ...

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- Wildlife Wednesday
The Goslings have grown up. Mommy took these pictures in the dark again, so we apologize for the poor quality. Some of you have asked about goose poop. They pretty much stays down at the pond and in the tall grass so it isn't really a problem for...

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 There are some new Geese visiting our pond.  Mommy thinks she saw the Geese Family on her way to the Grocery Store. She said the goslings had gotten big and she hopes Mr Gander & Mrs Goose will keep them out of the road, which is where...

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