Will Work for Snacks!

Will Work for Snacks!

Dear Quaker Foods:

We are inquiring about the spokes-person
employment opportunity that you had recently advertised.
We are not Quaker, but one of us (Moonbeam) used to be Amish.....

The "Bigs" need a job....
something to help them earn their keep...
a little extra snack money would be nice.
"Will work for snacks!"

Given their obvious lack of skills, however,
jobs are hard to come by.

Hmmmm....how about advertising?
They would make the perfect spokes-horse,
for their favorite snack food.

They have recently admitted that they love Oatmeal Squares
even more than Frosted Mini Wheats!
And it's a good thing too, because Oatmeal Squares are
good for your heart...according to the package.
"It's right here on the front of the box", says Donnie.

So, if anyone is interested in hiring two slightly overweight,
but handsome and charming ponies.....
please email us here.
We would be happy to provide a video audition!

It's funny, each group of animals on the farm has its favorite treats.
You may have read older posts saying how the goats love Ritz crackers.
The chickens....well, they love just about everything...
except raw veggies (they prefer theirs cooked!)

- The Hows And Whys Of Being A Zoo Chef
One of the favorite parts of my day is reading your comments, questions and emails!I try to answer each in some form or another,but every so often a comment becomes the next day's blog post. And so it is, today. Yesterday Tee asked:Can you tell us...

- And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
Well, I sure hope you haven't had your fill of piggie pictures yet,because I have a few for you today. But first a word from our sponsor.... Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that Ritz crackersare the favored snack food of all...

- Pasture Eyes
Each afternoon the Littles and the Bigs spend some time grazing in our pastures. During the summer months, they spend that time in the lower pasture in front of the barn. This pasture is adjacent to the dry lots and easily accessiblethrough...

- Spring Fever
Yesterday was fabulous!65 degrees, sunny....fabulous!!(And to think just a few weeks ago we had several feet of snow.)I finished up a few outdoor chores, like painting the chicken coopthat is closest to the house.  It used to be grey.Now it matches...

- Got Treats?
We keep two stalls of the barn open to the dry lot during the winter so that Moonbeam and Donnie can access the barn to get our of the harsh winter weather.  I feel better knowing that they each have a dry, comfortable place to lie down and rest....

