Winter Rains

Winter Rains

The first day of Winter is tomorrow.
Christmas is in 4 days...
and we are in the midst of the dreariest weather!
Rainy, cloudy, gray....bleak....
not at all what we hope for during the Christmas Season!

I have to admit, though, this weather has given me the opportunity to bake and sew and
finish wrapping.

For the animals...
the rain slows life down considerably.

Most of them seem content to stay inside, munch hay,
and look out at the grayness.

Even the Nigerians stay in their houses at suppertime.
It's always amazing to see two of these plump goats in one house.

We used to provide room service for the goats,
however having to crawl to the back of each of their houses
 to retrieve their bowl the next morning
was enough to convince us to discontinue this service.

The piggies stay in the barn when it rains....
spending the day eating and napping in a soft bed of hay beneath their heat lamp.

Even our new barn kitty, Sophia has been outfitted with a soft bed
and her own head lamp.

Spoiled animals????

To our friends in the midwest....we are hoping you are surviving the snowstorm...
and are warm and safe indoors!

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