

The Thinking Homeschoolers assignment due on May 15 is to write about a sound, smell, or taste that you find comforting or that reminds you of home. You can take this in any creative direction that you want.

For me the smell of wisteria means home. My earliest recollections include memories of sitting in my Grandma's porch swing. Behind the swing was a trellis loaded down with the purple blooms of a wisteria. I remember passing many a spring day in the porch swing inhaling the sweet perfume of the wisteria and listening to the drone of bees while reading a book.

We also had a wisteria at my parents house. Under it's spreading branches was a stack of bricks that I used as a oven, leaf press and anything else my imagination could come up with. It was one of my favourite places to idle away a spring/summer day.

Today I am lucky enough to have two wisteria down in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden. The delicate white and purple blooms are a lovely way to welcome spring to Mississippi.

- Wisteria & Other Garden Favourites
We has lots of things blooming right now. Our special favorite are our Wisteria, we has a White Wisteria and a Purple Wisteria. We also loves our Azaleas, this one is down at the pond and it is bigger and has more blooms than all the other azaleas. This...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Swamp Iris' look so cheerful. We just wish Mommy had gotten the weeds out before they bloomed. This one is growing down in the woods. A blackberry vine. Our Washington Hawthorne, it is a very light pink. We just loves it. The Chinese Witch Hazel....

- Mommy Is Going To Kill You Stupid Beaver
This is what is left of our purple wisteria. Mommy is very sad. We thinks the beaver chewed it down. It doesn't realize that it has just had a War on Beaver declared. Mommy tried this Scouts Solution (when half the wisteria was still there) but it...

- Photo Hunt ~ In Memory
We planted the WHISKERS' MEMORIAL BUTTERFLY GARDEN IN MEMORY of Whiskers. This is were Whiskers is buried. This is an explosion of purple verbena, it is very pretty and the butterflies love it. Mommy planted wisteria in the Whiskers' Memorial...

- More About The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
This is what the Catmint (aka Catnip) looked like when I first planted it. It was growing well and looked very nice until some nameless kitties squashed it. We planted Bugleweed around Whiskers' grave. Here is a close up. I love the purplish leaves....

