Woeful Wednesday

Woeful Wednesday

Many of you remember Mister Who from when he lived with us. He has a sister named Chloe. She was attacked by some dogs and has two broken front feet and other injuries. She goes to Medvet (where Socks went when he was so sick) for a consult Thursday. Prayers, Purrs and Pawsitive thoughts for her will be greatly appreciated. Chloe is such a sweetheart, we always enjoy when she comes to visit us and we are just sick that she is injured. There is a possibility she may loose one of her feet, it was so badly injured. ~ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, did we have a FANTASTIC 4th of July. Eldest came over and he brought Mister Who and Chloe. Daddy threw the ball for us and we ran and ran and ran. Youngest threw the ball for us and we ran some more. Eldest even threw the ball...

- Family ~ Photohunt
Mister Who is part of our FAMILY. He is our nephew and Mommy's Granddoggy. We loves him and his sister Chloe very much. We got to dogsit Mister while Chloe went to Medvet for her broke toes. Chloe is being very brave and very good  and we has...

- Mancat Monday
I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful that I got the medical care I needed and I am very thankful to all my friends who lent a paw. Your prayers, purrs, good thoughts, using Reiki on me, pawsitive vibes  and financial aid is greatly appreciated...

- 31 Dogs Need Homes Now!!!!!!
Go read Jan's Funny Farm: 31 Dogs Need Homes about the dogs in Rainsville, AL who need homes NOW!!!! They will be killed if they are not rehomed soon. Also one of the ladies who has been working so hard to help them is very sick and needs our purrs,...

- A Tale Of Two Sidneys
This the "tail" of a horse,a horse named Sidney. But really it is the tale of two horses.One horse.... a thoroughbred retired from racing....injured, thin, joyless.The second horse.... training to be an eventing horse.... fit, sound, and filled...

