Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy, did we have a FANTASTIC 4th of July.

Eldest came over and he brought Mister Who and Chloe.

Daddy threw the ball for us and we ran and ran and ran.

Youngest threw the ball for us and we ran some more.

Eldest even threw the ball for us.

We had a blast. And we even got some spare ribs for supper after Mister Who and Chloe left. Daddy cooked them on the grill Mommy gave him for their anniversary. They were delicious. ~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

An InLinkz Link-up

- Who Dat Wednesday
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- Family ~ Photohunt
Mister Who is part of our FAMILY. He is our nephew and Mommy's Granddoggy. We loves him and his sister Chloe very much. We got to dogsit Mister while Chloe went to Medvet for her broke toes. Chloe is being very brave and very good  and we has...

- Fenris Friday
 Wanna play ball with me?  We had a very nice Sunday, Eldest Boy, his girl and their doggies Mister Who and Chloe came to visit. Sorry Mom failed to get pictures.  We had a wonderful time running around, playing chase and just visiting...

- Fenris Friday
Daddy is playing ball with us. Tuiren prefers to sit by Mommy and watch the action. I am showing off my best moves since Mommy has the camera out. I snatch the ball right out of the air. I will also go find the ball when they tell me too. That young whipper...

- Tails On Thursday
I love to play soccer. This is how we play. Mommy/Daddy/Youngest Boy Bean kick the ball and we chase it. If they get there first they kick it again. If I get there first I guard the ball and try to prevent them from getting it. Mommy says I am a very...

