Work Time, Play Time

Work Time, Play Time

We enjoyed a beautiful laid back weekend here on the farm,
with temperatures in the 50's...
a welcomed break from the frigid weather of the preceding two weeks!

We spent most of the weekend catching up on outdoor chores
along with the usual farm chores that are done no matter what the weather.
Mulching, garden clean-up, compost-turning, were just some of the "extras"
that we accomplished.

I tell my family quite often that I am "fiercely independent"....
and just to illustrate, this is how I carry 8 water buckets by help needed.
Hubbs just had to document this with a photo.

Hubbs spent a little time mending fences...

with the dogs as his companions,

while I worked on manure clean-up.

I love this peaceful scene in the dry lot.
It does my heart good to see our horses so relaxed...
taking their afternoon naps.

Sid and Shirley were grazing while Hubbs worked on the fence around that pasture.

Naturally, Sid had to come over and visit with us.

"Whatcha doin'?"

It felt great to get everything in order before Winter's cold settles over us for good.

The best part of the day, though, was a little snuggle time with
Ginger and MaryAnn.

Now, if you don't have kunekune pigs, you might think me crazy for snuggling with my pigs...

but if you happen to have a few of these amazing creatures,

you will understand perfectly well just how lovable and huggable they are!
And, they are incredibly clean animals as well.

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