World Cat Day

World Cat Day

We thought it would be fun to celebrate World Cat Day by mentioning some famous cats.

One of our favorite movies stars CATS, The AristoCats. The AristoCats was one of Mommy's favorite movies when she was little and she even had AristoCats soap. We thinks Artemisia acts a lot like Marie.

Our favorite cat themed movies

Our favorite books about cats or that have cats as one of the main characters

Cats in Songs
Historical and legendary cats
 We completely understand why EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE A CAT .
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,

'cause everything else is obsolete.

- Wed Weview
One of our friends had a giveaway of a Midnight Louie Mystery. On the off chance we won the giveaway we had Mommy track down the first book in the series. This is Mommy's review of book #1. Catnap by Carole Nelson Douglas My rating: 5 of 5 stars...

- Thanks You Athena
Athena, Cat Goddess gave us this pawsome award. Thank you Athena.  "The Liebster Award is an award given by bloggers to fellow bloggers on the rise, but with less than 200 followers.The rules are as follows: answer 11 questions posed by your nominator,...

- Meme
Repositorio da Marilia passed this Meme on to us. The Rules Answer the eleven questions That the person sent you and create eleven new questions. Choose eleven people to pass this challenge and put the links to Their blogs. Warn the chosen blogs. ...

- Femme & Fenris Friday ~ My Pillowcases
 I (Fenris) won one of the prizes in  the Ozark Mountain Cats MO Cats Contest. Boy was I relived to learn that Mo Cat Day meant Missouri Cats and not more cats.  Anyways I entered their contest and won these designer flannel pillow cases...

- Life In The Barn
It never ceases to amaze me how comfortable our barn kitties are with life around the barn.I often see them wandering around through horses' legs...completely unafraid. Example...Here is TomTom, lounging in the dry lot, just feet away fromseveral...

