Worth Reading

Worth Reading

Drop by O'Donnell Web to read Chris' post Arrogance, thy name is Greg Laden I really hope Chris takes the time to fisk his post. Greg is all about government control and regulation. Apparently he won't be happy until we are all forced to think whatever the government tells us to think (as long as it's run by people who believe the same things Greg does) and send our children off to government schools in order to be indoctrinated into whatever beliefs are in vogue at the time. I wonder what his position on homeschooling would be if government schools taught creationism? Would he then want the freedom to homeschool, so he could teach his children evolution? Would he want to be forced to teach his children creationism?

HT to HE&OS for telling us about this homeschooler who won the spelling bee.

- Stupid Comments Of Public School Jingoist
Lately I have read with amusement the comments on some blogs by non-homeschoolers bashing homeschooling. You would think if they were going to comment on another parents educational choice they would at least take the time to find out something about...

- Eat Your Words Anonymous
Anonymous said... Nice hatchet job interpreting Greg Ladens thoughts and ideas;-)Greg is about the promotion of science--and I am sure that when there "comes into bee-ing" a homeschooled kid who wins the 'science or chemistry bee' instead of a...

- From Why Homeschool
Why Homeschool has an excellent post on U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf's ruling. Henry makes an valid point here. The really important issue here is what are the rights of minorities and the rights of parents. In the past public schools have stayed...

- Homeschool Regulation: The Revenge Of The Failures
Visit WorldNetDaily to read Homeschool regulation: The revenge of the failures by Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D. By attacking homeschool parents, Bounds is playing a familiar game. The goal is to distract the public's attention from the abject failure of...

- Educational News
Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out. *********************************************************************************...

