Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang

Boy have we grown since this picture was taken. Mommy says we grow like weeds.

I guess that is good since Mommy seems to like the Ragweed, Ironweed and Butterflyweed that grow in her flowerbeds.

We have learned to escape from kitty jail.

We can't leap over the gate yet like Scylla does, but we can leap to the half wall between the spindles and then jump down.

Yang likes to sleep in front of the door.

I like to sleep in the chair.

Yang likes to have a toy with him when he sleeps.

We both like drinking out of the water fountain.

Yin, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday With A Guest (yang)
To everyone's surprise I am rather fond of Yang. We play together a little, we sleep near each other and I generally like the cheeky fellow. When I get tired of  his brashness, I go outside. And since he is such a ham, he CAN DO the SELFIE. I...

- Tuiren Tuesday With Yang
 Yang likes to hang out in the back yard with me and Fenris. Mommy says she thinks Yang thinks he is a doggie. He does act like us.  I am pretty sure he knows he is a cat though. He is fixing to go pounce on Yin, she is in the Jungle Gym.  I...

- Trouble & Me (not Scylla Sunday)
Yang's nickname is TROUBLE, he has another one too but Mommy says we can't print it in a family friendly blog. Daddy calls him you Little S*** and  S***head, together we are known as the Booties or Booty1 & Booty2. How did Trouble get...

- Yin & Yang
Mommy took us to visit the dogs in the carrier. We enjoyed sitting out on the back porch with them. Now we go out there without the carrier. We likes to eat. We discovered the water fountain, we loves it. We also learned how to CLIMB. And escape from...

- It's Time For Yoga
These little guys are taking up all our peoples time. Youngest named Yin and Yang, and Yang loves to sleep on him. Poor little Yang, hard to believe a few days ago he almost died. He is back to being an energetic little kitten. Yin loves to play, she...

