Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang

Mommy took us to visit the dogs in the carrier.

We enjoyed sitting out on the back porch with them. Now we go out there without the carrier.

We likes to eat.

We discovered the water fountain, we loves it.

We also learned how to CLIMB.

And escape from the Dining Room.

We like sleeping in Fenris' bed.

Yin & Yang, The Yoga Kittens reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
I am being very cooperative today, first we have a selfie for Selfie Sunday hosted by The Cat on My Head, really don't see why Mommy gets bent out of shape when I try to sit on her head. Next I want to encourage everyone to give a homeless cat or...

- Inside Trouble
Mommy had forgotten how much trouble kittens are until we came along to remind her. First we got up on the crate, we quickly learned to get on the half wall from here and jump out of confinement. Mommy moved the crate but we still figured out daredevil...

- Yin & Yang
Boy have we grown since this picture was taken. Mommy says we grow like weeds. I guess that is good since Mommy seems to like the Ragweed, Ironweed and Butterflyweed that grow in her flowerbeds. We have learned to escape from kitty jail. We can't...

- Yin And Yang
Since Yang got to do a post GMommy said it was my turn to talk. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to play. Yang likes to play to. We have been very busy chasing each other and wrestling and climbing on top of the carrier. Yang got there FIRST, but I was right behind...

- Yang Is Very Sick
Little Yang is very sick. Yesterday afternoon when Mommy got them out for some play time Yang was very lethargic, he couldn't even hold his head up. He was rushed to the vet and it was discovered he has Coccidiosis (there may be more issues but this...

