You Wear It Well

You Wear It Well

Yesterday morning as I started chores,
I was surprised by how silent my world was.
No birds, no owls, no wind... just silence.

I worked cleaning the dry lot in the silent, blue hour right before dawn
marveling at how peaceful the world becomes when there is snow on the ground.

It wasn't long, however, before a distant tractor motor broke the silence...
then ducks quacked and turkeys gobbled...
donkeys brayed....
and my magical moment ended.

By afternoon, the sun peeked out and blue sky was a welcome sight.

 I was in the goat yard feeding the dwarf goats when I noticed Spider.

It seems he is beginning to shed his wooly undercoat...
gray "lint" peaking out from under his ebony fur.

He must have been scratching with his horn,
because he ended up with quite a collection of wool hanging from the end of it.

"You look quite silly, there, Spider!"  I said.

"That might be," said he, "but I'll bet you cannot lick your nose with your tongue!"

"You got me there, Spider!" as I broke into the chorus of "You Wear It Well."

One of my winter goals is to work my way through my fabric stash...
sewing as many aprons as I possibly can before the weather breaks and 
outdoor chores take precedence.

Yesterday's makings....


both are for sale in the marketplace (see link below blog header).

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