A Glimpse of Our Weekend

A Glimpse of Our Weekend

I have so much to share with you this morning!
We had a magnificently beautiful weekend...
misty, moist mornings that eventually burned off into sunny autumn splendor.
Mild temperatures and dry breezes were a welcome change.

The weekend started on a bit of a sad note as we said goodbye to old Jack.

Smilin' Jack ( AKA Action Jackson)was the eldest of our fainting goats
 and the patriarch of the does.
He was kind and gentle and loved Ritz crackers more than anything.
Jack developed uremia......
(renal stones had him blocked, 
urine backed up into his kidneys, 
leading to toxins in his blood....a condition that we could not treat, 
due to the fact that he had been banded instead of castrated as a buckling...
before we owned him)

We are very sad over the loss....we will miss him tremendously!

The rest of the weekend was perfect.
We spent Saturday at a local "Heritage" festival.
Here are a few pictures that I snapped while there...

This one is my favorite.
I call it "Waiting".
And because it needs to be seen as large as possible,
I am doing just that....

My mouth was watering over the antique tractors....

A local family entering the festival...
("Everyone" in the county attended, I swear!)

There was a wonderful flea market at the festival....
a great source of props for some crazy pictures.
 Amanda and her beau, Tim,
never pass by an opportunity for an unusual picture.
I swear they were only teasing!

The following pictures I snapped on Sunday morning during chore time.
Autumn color...

A web of dew.... 

The last of the zinnias... 

Dew on leaf.... 

Sunrise in a single drop... 

The promise.... 

Why bees love flowers.... 

Fuzzy stem.... 

What happens when fairies hold still for even a moment.... 

Take a moment today to find something small and beautiful!
And have a great day!

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