After The Storm

After The Storm

Thank you all for your well-wishes over the past few days.
I took all of that positive energy and sent it onward to those in need...
to our eastern coastline communities.

While we did receive a lot of rain and wind,
we were lucky in that we sustained no damage.

Our pastures have tiny streams running through them...
but we've had worse!

The spring beneath our old log cabin is overflowing,

and our pond is quite full...

not unlike any storm with abundant rain.

We lost a few trees within our woods,
but they were dead ones that would have blown down eventually.

Our critters stayed under shelter or indoors until yesterday afternoon,
when things slowed down a bit.

MaryAnn ventured out yesterday afternoon for the first time in 48 hours.
Ginger stayed in bed (lazy pig).

The goats still have not left the warmth and fresh hay that fills their houses.

The chickens refused to stay in even in the worst weather.
They don't let a little storm keep them from their daily adventures!

The wind and rain did knock over our kale "trees", however.

We have been eating kale from these 5 plants for the past 5 months!
If you are looking for something to plant in your garden that just keeps giving...
let me suggest you plant some curly kale.

If we have a mild winter, we might continue to enjoy fresh kale for months to come.
I put kale in "everything" within reason....soups, stews, spaghetti sauce, etc.

The miserable weather brought our new stray to the barn to dry out and eat.

Meet "Kitty"....he/she has no name yet.
If he/she stays, we will have Dr. Becky determine his/her gender and neuter accordingly.
For now it's just "Kitty."

PS:  Happy Halloween....

the animals' Halloween party has been cancelled due to the weather.
I think they are ok with that...
no one seems to love dressing up, anyways!

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