Chicken Dynamics

Chicken Dynamics

Happy Monday!
After a week with lots and lots of company...each and every day,
I am spending this coming week getting caught up on garden work.
It's time to tear out the spring plants and get boxes ready for fall planting.

We've had a lot of rooster activity in the past few days.
After refusing to leave his house for the past two weeks, Milford has been moved...
to the barn.

Hubbs took him by gator....
and released him to run free around the barn.

He met the horses,

and was shown where to find his meals.

At first he was a bit timid and retreated to the safety of a pine tree by the barn.

Later in the day, however, he relaxed and bit
and started investigating.

The guineas on the other side of the garden fence were a curiosity.

When the sun went down, Hubbs picked him up
(he is actually quite friendly, and let Hubbs pick him up)
and put him in the feed room in the barn.
Hopefully he will find a comfy bale of hay for the night.

As for the rest of the roos....

They are all finally outside spending the day together.

Millard and Milroy have moved into the Frat House with Statler and Waldorf.

Milton and George continue to roost in the brooder house.

I have a feeling that a few weeks from now all of the roos will be living in the Frat House

We continue to pick our blueberry bushes daily.
The freezer is full of berries for use throughout the winter.

And it won't be long before we'll be harvesting sweet, juicy watermelons...

and pumpkin babes for making pumpkin pies!

I hope to have a well manicured garden to show you later this week.
Right now, though, it's a little wild and wooly!!

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