Feeling Their Oats

Feeling Their Oats

We are enjoying our second straight week of cool nights
and temperate days.
And everyone around here is "feeling their oats!"

The horses go out to pasture early in the morning.

Because of the cooler weather, they enjoy kicking up their heels a bit.
And naturally... when they start running, Sammy feels the need to join them.
Sammy is the kind of dog who can always be found where everyone is having the most fun!
(And it's in those moments when it's really hard to listen to your mom!...as you are about to see.)

You might remember how we moved Milford (the red star rooster)
to his new home at the barn last week.
I worried at first that he might be lonely.
And then witnessed him making the rounds, visiting with the pigs, the turkeys, etc.
This past weekend he ventured up to the upper henhouses,
and since then spends a good deal of time there during the day.

At night, however, he returns to the barn
and retires here...

on the workbench... in the comfort of a cat bed!
No worries about this rooster's life... that's for sure!

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- The Rooster Saga Continues (and Happy Birthday Hubbs!!!)
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- Ava's Excellent Adventure
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- Sewing Oats
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