The Saga of Roy Boy

The Saga of Roy Boy

There's a newcomer in the upper chicken yard.

Can you tell who it is?
Yes, you are so's Roy Boy!

It seems that we had a happy accident on Sunday morning.

Roy Boy, as you might remember, had been sleeping on top of the henhouse by the barn,
and then each morning making the trek... past the garden....up to the goat yards,
to hang out by the upper chicken pens, waiting for the hens to emerge for their
daily free ranging.

As I had lamented last week, I was nervous about Roy Boy sleeping outside, unprotected,
with winter weather just around the corner.

Well, Sunday morning as Hubbs and I were doing the morning chores,
Roy Boy dashed into the upper henhouse yard as we opened the door to bring water inside.

Ahah!  Perfect!  
Now all we have to do is keep him in there for a few days,
until he identifies these henhouses as home.
Problem solved.

Luckily, Ole Roy and Brad seem to be tolerating Roy Boy just fine,
after a few minor skirmishes in the beginning.

I usually try to keep my rooster/hen ratio at about 1/25.
This helps to keep the hens from being stressed out by over-sexed roosters.
(as all roosters are!)

When I once again allow the hens and roos to roam free,
I am hoping that Roy Boy continues to remain in his new home.

Time will tell.

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