Forrest the Lap Goat

Forrest the Lap Goat

Last year's kids are now a year old. You might remember a video that I had posted last Spring of a tiny kid jumping onto my back and then leaping into the air with glee. That goat was Forrest and Forrest has grown into quite a large boy now. The only thing that hasn't changed is the fact that Forrest still likes to sit on laps. He is quite a sweet goat.......
Here is is cuddled up in Becky's arms....our tiny little lap goat!

- Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nathan Bedford Forrest, and his twin sister Fanny, was born July 13, 1821, to William and Miriam Beck Forrest, in Bedford County, Tennessee. ...

- A New Year!
Can you believe it?A new year already? (Oh, and before I go any further, I have to tell you.... I have missed our little daily chats!) Did you have a wonderful Christmas?We had the merriest! Every little boy needs his very own John Deere Lazy Boy recliner,...

- Wooooo Hoooooo And Ritz, Too!!
Why is Jack smiling? Well, he just cannot help himself! (And no, it's not because I have Ritz crackers!) (Which, I do...but we'll talk about that later) He's so proud of Forrest and Sissy. They've been discovered! Their "Vogue" shoot was...

- Have You Ever Heard Of A Blubbering Goat?
Make sure you turn up your volume for this video! Blubbering is one of the characteristic mating behaviors of bucks. In this video Chip is blubbering at one of our Dwarf Nigerian goats because she is in heat. He spends a good deal of his day walking...

- Our Kids Are Growing Up!
Sadly, we all know that babies don't stay babies forever. This is the most recent photo of one of our favorite kids, Forrest. Forrest has been featured quite a bit here due to the fact that he was the first born. Know, he is as tall as O'Malley...

