News Flash!

News Flash!

The seven inches predicted turned out to be just 3 more inches.
But on top of that we received a little light rain yesterday morning.

Carefully, I made my way around the farm for early morning chores.
Almost finished, and heading for home, I hit a patch of slippery snow
and the gator slid off of the lane and down an embankment close to the pig yard.

And there I stayed.
What to do?
My options were 1.) cry  2.) solve the problem.
After careful consideration, I chose #2 and walked up to the tractor garage to get
Deere John.
Hooking a tow line around the axel of the gator and the back of the tractor,
I climbed aboard and gave the tractor some gas.
All four wheels just spun on the ice...fighting for traction.
It was obviously time to call in the calvary.
Luckily, a neighbor was out plowing and I flagged him down to help.
He freed my gator from the ditch and ended up getting himself stuck in a ditch as well.

See what I mean about winter making things just a little more complicated?

Rita asked: "Are the donkeys as sensitive to the type of hay they consume as horses? Do you raise them for pleasure or to sell? How much space do they need? Weather challenges to your livestock? Do you sell any of the products you raise on your farm? Do you and your husband do most or all of the work related to your farm? How did you find the farm? Would you like to expand? "

I feed our donkeys the same hay as our horses.  They actually can exist on a much
poorer quality of hay than horses.  If hay is rich, donkeys get fat.
This breed of donkey comes from Sicily and area that is more arid than Pennsylvania.  In the wild, they exist on whatever vegetation they can find.
So, they are not terribly picky eaters.

Daphne and Chloe are on the farm just for our pleasure.
We do not breed our donkeys...they are yard ornaments and love sponges.
With the potential to live 50 years, we will not be adding to our donkeys...
as there is a good chance that they might out-live us!

I have our girls in their own dry lot with their own run-in so that they can get out of the weather.
Mini donkeys do not like wind or precipitation, and prefer to stay under shelter in these conditions.
Their dry lot is next to our front pasture...which gives them several acres of grazing area.

Weather always has its challenges....more for us humans than for the animals.

Heated water buckets are a necessity in the winter... as well as adequate shelter.
Our pigs and barn kitties and chickens and turkeys all have heat lamps
to help chase away winter's chill. 

We do raise our chickens for eggs to sell.  We are currently servicing about 15 customers
with a dozen eggs weekly.  When our bees have a successful year, we sell whatever extra honey we have.  We have in the past made and sold lip balm from our own beeswax.  We have plans to sell our blueberries some day when the bushes are larger and more productive.  For now, however, I use all of our blueberries in jams and then freeze the rest.

As for the farm work...most is done by me, as Hubbs has an extremely busy job.  He helps out on the weekends as does Amanda when she is around.

 I take one day off from farm chores each week,
and schedule appointments and errands for that day (Wednesdays).  I have learned to use the
tractors and other farm equipment...trying to be as independent as possible.
I used to trim my horses' hooves, but gave that up...
it's always good to remember that this is a marathon and some energy needs to be saved!

Originally, the farm was found online.  We have added adjoining acreage as it went up for sale,
and possibly might consider adding one more piece of land that is situated behind our house.
This area is currently a hunting camp that is rarely used and has beautiful creek access.
But since we currently have 140 acres at our disposal, we feel no great need to expand.
Within our animal fold, we will expand only enough to keep a good amount of animals
available for petting and loving.... as we love having school children, and day-cares visit the farm.

And last, but not least....I have had to wait until now to share this with you.
And believe me, waiting has been hard.
Do you remember last summer's wedding?
Andy and Ashley got married, bought a house, and found a rescue dog....
it was a big summer for them!

Here's Andy these days....

And here is our new little one (due this August)...

My Christmas present was an envelope with an ultrasound photo in it.
I was elated and totally surprised.
I couldn't wait to share the news, but was hushed until today.

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