Scylla Sunday & I Got an Award

Scylla Sunday & I Got an Award

I am going to take things easy today and bask in the sun.

Brian, do you want to come bask in the sun with me?

I'll be waiting.

While I wait for Brian to get here I'll tell you about the neat award Savannah, from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave ME!!!! And she gave it to me personally. Be sure to check out her post cause she got LOL'd by Wendy and we all know how amusing those pictures are.  I  just love Savannah's name, I thinks it is purrty just like her. Doesn't it sound like a Southern Belle?  And it starts with an S just like SCYLLA. Anyway it is the Blog on Fire Award and it means I am HOT. Now I guesses I am suppose to tells you stuffs about me I really thinks you knows almost everything there is to know about me. I am going to pass this on.

1.) Milo & Alfie Marshall from The Cat's Meow. They has been very supportive and I so appreciate their hugs and kind words and attempts to cheer us up about Arty.

2.) The Zoolatry Girls - They are always so very kind to everyone and their graphics are pawsome. We so appreciated the one they did for Arty
Graphic by Zoolatry
 3.) One of the sweetest kitties I know and a very good friend Gracie. She also did a lovely graphic for us when Arty went missing.

Graphic by Gracie

And I wants to THANK each and everyone of you who has this graphic in your side bar. I wants to Thanks everyone for sending Arty come home thoughts and I wants to Thanks everyone for their support. I thinks you all deserve the Blog on Fire Award.  ~Scylla

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