The Many Faces of Jill

The Many Faces of Jill

Some days are meant for silliness...
and silliness comes naturally when you are surrounded by animals!

I had my camera in the goat pen yesterday afternoon during feeding time.

Our elderly Jill is quite the ham for the camera and offered
to share her repertoire of expressions with you.

We'll have to wait a minute until she finishes laughing!
Jill has an exceptional sense of humor...
just the idea of me trying to capture her many looks by camera has her in stitches.

You'll notice in the above picture that Jill has no upper teeth in the front.
Such is the case with goats.
They have only lower teeth in the front.
Chewing is done in the back of their mouth where they have upper and lower teeth.

You'll notice in the photo below that Jill has quite an underbite.
Goats tend to develop underbites as they get older.

It's this underbite that gives Jill her eternal smile.
(That and the fact that she's just a happy gal!)

Now for the party tricks....
Can you touch your tongue to the end of your nose?
 Jill can!

It's hard to top that one, Jill!

You might also notice that Jill is getting quite fluffy.
She and the rest of her herd have grown quite thick winter coats already.
As have all of our equines as well...

If winter coat is an indication of weather to come,
I'd say we are in for another brutal winter.
As with most of the country,
we will be experiencing a bit of an early freeze by the end of this week.
Thankfully, the animals are all ready!

PS...thanks so much for your input yesterday.
I will continue to bring you a combination of photos and video
so that you can share in all the farm fun in the days to come.

When I have a little time, I will be making a video tutorial on the perfect pie crust...
as requested.

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