We are feeling Awesome!

We are feeling Awesome!

We just might have to give Mommy higher marks on her Purr-fur-mance Review.

Chancy and Company  & Nellie @ The Cat From Hell gave us the Awesome Blog Award.  We are supposed to tell 7 things about us, Then pass it on.

And Mommy was absolutely thrilled when Admiral Hestorb gave her the same award @ her Blog Alasandra's Place. 

We told Mommy she could tell 7 things about herself here to save time as Daddy is upgrading our computer and we may be without one for awhile, while the necessary adjustments are made so here goes. We will let Mommy go first.

Seven things about Alasandra
  1. I love animals
  2. I love to read
  3. I love flowers
  4. My sign is Aquarius
  5. I was born in the year of  The Horse
  6. My birthstone is amethyst 
  7. I love Spring
OK, Now it is our turn to tell you about US.
  1. We all like seafood.
  2. We all like to play outdoors.
  3. We all like sleeping in the house.
  4. Artemisia likes to sleep under Mommy's chair.
  5. Fenris weights the most @ 64#
  6. Artemisia weighs the least @ 5#
  7. Mommy's lap is the very best place to be, we all want to sit in her lap.
OK, now we are suppose to pass the award along. We are not sure who has it and who doesn't and Daddy is busy undating our computer so we can't spend much time online right now so we are going to just mention 2 bloggers we thinks are pawsome.
  1. Gracie who blogs at Goodness Gracie, she does tons to help her furfriends. 
  2. The gang @ JFF, they are all ways willing to give advice. Jan helped Mommy figure out how to do our background.

- Saturday Sharing ~ Thanks Ellie & Star
The lovely ladycat Ellie from Friends FurEver gave me the Opposites Attract Award. Thanks you so much Ellie.  This is such a pretty award. I loves having it for my very own. I also received this award from Star who blogs at Life with Ragdolls. ...

- Opposites Attract Award ~ Thanks Savannah & Brian
Oh isn't this a pretty award. My friend Savannah from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave it to me. Thank you so much Savannah. Firstly, you need to thank the blogger who gave you the Opposites Attract Award and link back to their blog.  Easy peasy....

- Stylish Blogger Award
Our friends the Garden Cottage Cats ( Arrius Lestat aka Larry , Gabriel Wolfgang , Sunny, Lorelei Avalon , Anushka aka Ana, and Penelope) gave us this lovely award. If you haven't visited them at Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats you really should....

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
JFF, gave us this pawsome award Thank Cat or I wouldn't have a Mancat Monday Post. The Mom has been slacking lately. She seems to think planting flowers is more important then helping us blog!  And if her gardening activities aren't bad...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

