The Tale Continues....

The Tale Continues....

I am hoping that if you are reading this post, you have read along all week.
I thought I might tie up a few loose ends.

First of all....number six.
Has continued to spend his days with the gals,
his nights back with the frat pack.

He is one happy rooster.
Has he told the rest of the Frat Pack about the girls?
Not on your life!!
Look closely, you'll see him winking!

Ole Roy called a meeting with the gals at the upper chicken house.

From his perch on the fence he began, "It seems, girls, that there is a new rooster
in these parts.  You'd be wise to avoid him....he's trouble." Ole Roy continued.
As you can see, the girls paid him no mind and walked away in a flutter.

"Looks like you have trouble on your hands, Ole Roy!" said Guido,
who had also taken up his perch on the fence.

"You know," Guido continued, "for a little extra scratch, we can take care of your problem."
"We can make that new rooster disappear, " he whispered with a snicker.

Guido's sidekicks soon joined them.

"That's right, boss....we can rub him he was never here in the first place,"
they chimed in as they all pretended to be grooming themselves.

"Hmmmm....." thought Ole Roy, "tempting!"
But the idea of it sent a shiver down his spine.

"No!" he said. "You guineas are big trouble."
I'll handle my gals by myself.
"Thanks, but no thanks."

To Be Continued....

I thought I would give you a peek at the new chicks.
They are growing like weeds and getting quite showy
with their new feathers!
Happily, 26 arrived in the mail 3 weeks ago,
and 26 remain healthy.

I also wanted to share with you a sneak peek at my next project.

"What is it?", you ask.

No, it's not a perch or a bed for Bobby.

It is the box in which I am going to plant a fairy garden.
It will have tiny plants and tiny tools and a tiny house with a tiny fence...
just the right size for a fairy.
This six inch deep box is 2 feet by 1 1/2 feet and two feet tall.
I will share pictures with you as soon as I finish it.

I suppose you are wondering why I am building a fairy garden, aren't you?
"if you build it, they will come!"

You'll see.....I'll show you!

- Venturing Out And About
Hey Milroy... what's caught your eye? Ahhhhh....the little gals are venturing out of their coop for the first time!It's hard to believe that these little chicklets have grown so much in just 6 weeks. One by one, they peek around the corner...

When I start out each morning for AM chores,I head down the driveway,open up the Roos and the chicks, and then continue on down the driveway to the roadand on to the pond. Once the ducks are fed and I am back on my way to the barn,I am usually greeted...

- Fraternization
Well, the day has finally arrived.I knew it would.It was inevitable.Things couldn't continue as they have this past year forever. The frat pack has spread its wings....broadened its horizons....found.... THE GIRLS!! And life will never be the same...

Meet Guido. (Guido Corleone)Guido came to Bee Haven by way of Sicily.He's the "Boss".....head of "the family."(In other words, he is the farm mafia Godfather!) He and his two brothers spend their days running all over the farm... dominating the...

- Smoochie's Fascination
For the past several days, when I am out for the morning feed, I have noticed that Smoochie (one of our fainting goat bucks) has been blubbering at the fence beside the chicken yard. "Blubbering" is a mating ritual for male goats. When they are desirous...

