
Take a walk with me,
will you?
Down the lane, across our hay field,
to the lush green forest that awaits.

We lovingly call those woods
The Hundred Acre Wood.

(Yes, we adopted the Winnie the Pooh theme for the area)

"So help me if you will, 
I've got to get back to the house at Pooh Corner 
by one."

The main trail into the woods leads back to a clearing.
(Pooh Corner)

It is in that clearing that our platform tent will be erected.
Here is the progress of the platform.

It's coming along nicely, and will be finished today.
The tent is being made and should arrive late July.

It is from this clearing that the main trail diverges into several
different trails, each with it's own name...

Each trail ends in a different location,
like the sunset meadow, 
or circuitously back to the hay field.

On any given trip into these woods, you are sure see deer,
turkeys, bear, bobcat and a myriad of other smaller wildlife...
a piece of wilderness right in our own back yard!

The last bit of news for the week is....

Goodbye to O'Malley's doeling (the little girl of the "twins").
She is the prettiest baby we have had over the years.

She is going to a great new home...
a gift to a papa from a loving daughter.
She will have one other goat companion to keep her company,
when she is not accompanying her new Daddy around the farm.

Good bye, little "fawn" goat!
 (She looks more like a baby deer than a goat)

Now we must wait until next Spring for more baby goats.

- A Walk On The Wild Side
Week 1... 2015I moved the trail cams closer to the house last week. Out through the woodpile trail... into the friendly forest... so close to a deer trail, but not close enough.You can see a doe and her youngsters out in the trees, left of center.......

- A Walk On The Wild Side...week 3
After reviewing this week's trail cam images,it's official...we have a lot of deer in our woods...and squirrels! There were no surprises this week...(except Hubbs riding his bike through the woods!) This family of deer showed up several times...

- A Walk Onthe Wild Side
Week One The trail cameras have been up for only two days now.Hubbs and I took the dogs for an early morning walk into the 100 acre woodsto fetch the SD card from each camera. With excitement and anticipation, we hiked the half mile through light rain to...

- Issuing The Old Man An Ultimatum
Just like the old boyfriend...the one you broke up with months ago,that still hangs around outside your bedroom window at night...the one whose stalker-ish appearances make you teeter on the edge of insanity... that is the relationship I am currently...

- Picnic, Anyone?
Yesterday was day one of a new building project here on the farm.We are building a picnic pavilion in the woods. There is a small area of woods next to our vegetable garden that has had a lot of fallen trees in the past few years.  Wind damage...

