Issuing The Old Man An Ultimatum

Issuing The Old Man An Ultimatum

Just like the old boyfriend...
the one you broke up with months ago,
that still hangs around outside your bedroom window at night...
the one whose stalker-ish appearances make you teeter on the edge of insanity...

that is the relationship I am currently having with my old man... Winter!

After last week's extended encounter,
I thought I might be rid of him for a while.

But, no....
he came right back around again Saturday morning...
dumping another 4 inches on all of the trails 
that I had laboriously shoveled opened just days before.

And if that weren't bad enough, he decided to give a hard one-two punch
to our adorable forest hideaway...

crushing our lovely platform tent
and turning it into a pile of fractured, splintered 2 x 4's and 4 X 4's,
not to mention the severe lacerations made in the tent canvas by those wooden shards.

So, now, Dear Winter...
consider yourself served...

with a fresh restraining order.

You will leave me alone,
or else!

Have I made myself perfectly clear?


Dear Winter, you know I love you.
But, get yourself to rehab, ok?
I will welcome you back with open arms next year...
once you have had a chance to work on your issues.

PS... we will rebuild the platform and re-pitch the tent.  
It will need some repairs to the canvas...
and new poles inside.

It could have been worse...
no one was hurt.

And to those of you who have a more severe winter than ours...
you have all of my sympathy and an apology also (for complaining)...
Hang in there....Spring is coming!

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