
I have been missing.
Blogger prevented me from visiting with you this past Friday.
I am sorry about that.

But, I put my time to good use.
I have worked and worked.

I have been spending my hours in the midst of magic....
making a magical world within the walls of the garden fence.

The strawberry patch is finished...and flourishing.
I  can almost see the plants growing day by day...
filling in the spaces between the rows of mulch.

Above the strawberry garden,
the vegetable boxes stand weeded and planted...
soaking up rain and sun as they grow and develop into strong
bearers of nutritious goodness.

Looking row by row...
I have planted brussels sprouts, red cabbage,
cucumbers, red and purple carrots, pasnips, and onions.

The  middle rows contain peppers, tomatoes,
sugar peas, tomatillo, okra
radishes, broccoli, and herbs.

The final row of boxes contain cantaloupe, honeydew, water melons,
sweet potatoes,

and red potatoes.

And at the top of the garden, in the most magical spot of all is this....

a tiny playhouse for a tiny person.

painted cheerful hues of earth and sky...
colors named "Organic Garden",  "Leaf Bud", and
"Superior Blue".
Perfect names, I think.

A whimsical snail sits guard on the front railing.

Pots of petunias and solar lights out front,
and a lilliputian rocking chair to while away the 
hot afternoon hours...under the shade of the porch...
a perfect place to watch the hummingbirds who visit the garden feeder.

This is just a step in the process of turning my garden into
a magical hideaway.

Next project will be to plant vining shrubs such as
trumpet flowers and flowering vines like morning glories
to climb the 8 foot fence around the perimeter....
making the garden a hidden and magical place!

Also.... on the "to do" list....
paint the garden shed to match the playhouse
and hang baskets of cascading flowers on the support poles of the fence.

Maybe you'd like to visit
and have fresh strawberry scones and mint tea in the garden with me!!

Make sure you revisit this space with me through the summer as it evolves.

Thanks so much for your visits and your sweet comments!
It's so nice we've become friends!

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