

It has been quite a week here on the farm.
Lots of work... lots of satisfaction.

I wanted to let you know that it has been one week since our 
18 tiny ducklings hatched...
and at the end of one week we still have 18 ducklings!

Amazingly, they have doubled in size in one week!

In spite of those few showers we had during hay harvest,
the ground remains significantly dry.
Watering the garden boxes is a daily task.

Watering and weeding are paying off, though.
We are still harvesting asparagus.
Strawberries are ripening daily.
Our second batch of radishes are up.
There are tiny cucumbers hanging on the vines.

Sugar peas have just started.
Oh, I could go on and on.....

I planted sunflowers in a few of my boxes.
They give the garden such a cheerful look...

All of the vining flowers are climbing up the garden fence and beginning to bloom.

By August the fence walls will be breathtaking!

I love spending time here.
My garden is like a whole separate world,
teeming with life,
both obvious and hidden.

Hidden in this bramble of dead vines from last summer,

is a teeny tiny nest,

with a teeny tiny baby bird inside...
an "only child" for two dutiful parents.

I will keep an eye on this little fellow in the upcoming weeks.

And so another week on the farm comes to a close.
It's been a wonderful week....
hope your's was too!

See you Monday with more Tails from the Farm!

- 100% Chance Of Vegetables!
We're in the midst of a weather pattern that only a gardener could love! Daily storms have provided enough moisture to make watering unnecessary.  The garden has literally exploded with green biomass. Every single seedling has thrived, and...

- Fairy Garden
I 've been working in the garden.... planting, pruning, mulching. But it's not what you might think.No,it's not my vegetable garden,or even the gardens around the house. No, this is a teeny tiny garden,just created. It's a secret garden...

I have been missing.Blogger prevented me from visiting with you this past Friday.I am sorry about that. But, I put my time to good use.I have worked and worked.Painted.Weeded.Planted.Mulched. I have been spending my hours in the midst of magic....making...

- Garden Party
The really warm weather that we had last week may be gone for now, but signs of Spring still remain.  This past weekend Hubbs and I finished moving oak bark mulch into the vegetable garden.  (A big thanks to our adopted "son" Tim for moving...

- A Garden Gone Wild!
A very moist summer has made excellent growing conditions for our most prolific crop....WEEDS! We have had a fantastic berry harvest this year. Even the wild blackberries that line our woods are bursting with plump ripe fruit (watch out for chiggers,though!)....

