
We have had a week of beautiful weather here in central PA.
This is giving me a chance to work on outdoor projects.

First on the list.... the playhouse.

Yesterday I put a coat of primer on it.
(turning it white from top to bottom)
Today I start to paint....
no,  not chartreuse and purple.
Close....but, you will just have to wait until it's done to see.
I have added some fancy millwork
to make it look a bit more "gingerbready".
Hopefully it will be finished to show you on Monday.
Friday it gets moved to its permanent location.

I also wanted to update you on our local neighborhood black bear.
Ever since this trap was delivered to our neighbor's yard,
we have had no further visits from Mr. Bear.
That is, until last night.
Once again the dogs started barking around 10 PM.
Hubbs went to the window, and there was Mr. Bear,
back up on our front deck....looking for food.
He lumbered down the steps and across the front yard into the darkness
A photo yielded just that....darkness.

Later this morning I will head over to the neighbors' house to see if
he ended up taking the jelly donut bait inside this trap.

And one last piece of news....

We are under seige.
Yes, it is spring warfare time again.
Warfare with the carpenter bees.

Living in a home made of wood means that carpenter bees
are definitely an unwanted pest!

They're busily buzzing....and burrowing their way into the wood,
both around the house and also at the barn.

This calls for the heavy artillery....
the Haitian fly swatter!

You might remember that Hubbs and I went to Haiti last spring
on a medical mission.
Needless to say, the operating rooms there were nothing like ours
here in the states.
There, there were open windows and bugs flying in and out.
So, we armed ourselves with these rackets to kill the flies.
You see, the handle is filled with batteries.
The face of the racket delivers an electrical charge to anything
that touches it.
So, when an insect is hit by the racket...

It's fried.

So, look out, carpenter bees......
it's war!!

- Turf Wars
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- Catching A Bear....
It seemed so easy.Fill it with donuts and he will come.That's what the game warden said when he placed the trap in the yard. Once again we woke to find the trap door closed. Did we do it?Did we finally catch that pesky bear?Surely the other animals...

- Bear Tails
For the past couple of weeks, this has been sitting in our front lawn. Yes, it's a bear trap....designed to capture and relocate our pesky neighborhood black bear.This bear has been plaguing us for months, now...on our decks, destroying our bird...

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- Moving Day
Late Saturday night while the bees slept (do they ever actually sleep?), Jack and I duct taped their hive bodies, bottom boards and lids together. We then loaded each beehive on the gator and moved it to the new bear-proof yard. Four out of five hives...

