Catching a Bear....

Catching a Bear....

It seemed so easy.
Fill it with donuts and he will come.
That's what the game warden said when he placed the trap in the yard.

Once again we woke to find the trap door closed.

Did we do it?
Did we finally catch that pesky bear?
Surely the other animals can read,
that this trap is for a bear and not for them!
maybe the bear can read, too.
In which case, he will most obviously never enter this contraption....
after all... it is a trap.
It says so right on the side!

Well, most of us agreed that last week's raccoon, while potentially viscious,
was awfully cute.
But, this guy, that we caught this time is not so cute!
Not cute at all.....

No, this guy is the stuff that nightmares are made of!
Goodness, is he ugly, or what?
(Oh, and he ate the rest of Tyler's birthday cake!....and it was a lot of cake.)

Well, that trap is now full of new jelly donuts.
We are going to catch ourselves a bear next time,
I just know it!

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