
First off, today, I must say thanks for all of the inspired comments
that you left for me with regards to yesterday's post.  
There are many more posts like that one inside my heart,
but I will try to save them for special occasions...
thus assuring that there is plenty of time left for the cute and comical.

I realized that I was "preaching to the choir" in most cases, 
but if I inspired change in just one reader,
the post was successful!

Now, on to today's subject.....
We have another 4 inches of snow on the ground since yesterday morning.
For the most part, life continues on as usual for the critters
around the farm.
With the exception of the Roos, or the Frat Pack, as I like to call them.

There was an obvious lack of song and color beneath our bird 
feeders yesterday...which is where the Roos spend most of their days.
(There, and inside my garage.)

I did notice, when passing the Frat house, quite a hullabaloo
coming from inside...
the faint odor of cigar smoke, steaks on the grill, a couple of empty
beer cans, and the sound of "chest bumping".

Upon closer inspection, I saw that their front door was wide open,

tracks all around their side yard....leading nowhere...
an obvious sign that they went outside and changed their minds.

That's right, the boys were too "chicken" to go outside...
a bunch of fair weather fowl!

It's hard to believe that six testosterone-laden roosters can spend
so many hours occupying the same small space without killing each other!
But when I checked on them, they seemed rather mellow....
just hanging out eating nachos and talking about the playoffs.

As for me, well I am hanging out inside the farmhouse for the day
(my one day a week "off" from farm chores).
A hot cup of tea, a little educational reading for renewing my RN license,
and perhaps some time at the sewing machine will keep me busy.

No cigars, steaks, or beer for me!
Silly Roos.

- Bangs And Eyelashes Are Highly Over-rated
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- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- Construction Wrap-up
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- Fraternization
Well, the day has finally arrived.I knew it would.It was inevitable.Things couldn't continue as they have this past year forever. The frat pack has spread its wings....broadened its horizons....found.... THE GIRLS!! And life will never be the same...

- Mornings
It is the start of just another ordinary day. And I am treated to a moment of such extraordinary splendor,that it takes my breath away.Sunrise over Bee Haven AcresThe veil of night is lifted,and hours of wind and rain are replacedby a fiery sunrise. This...

