(MIA) Tsarina Tuesday

(MIA) Tsarina Tuesday

I likes to look out the door and spy on Fenris.

The sunshines make it hard for Mommy to take a picture though. I looks kinda washed out in this one.

And I don't show up very well in this one.

I also likes to play with me sister. We play Thundering Herd of Elephants in the hall. ~Arty Mouse

 PS: Mommy played around with one of the pictures because the sun made it to washed out looking. She turned it into a black and white photo of me and thinks it turned out pretty good.  What do you think?

I am still missing. Mommy has been putting food out at the Hummingbird Cottage and hoped I was the cat eating it. Well last night she saw it was a black tuxedo cat that resembled Whiskers (he died in 2007).  He/She was still there this morning when Mommy got up to let Fenris in, she saw the cat leaving the cottage. He/She came up to the house last night and MEOWED but ran off whenever Mommy opened the door. Mommy is very sad it wasn't ME! and is worried this cat may have chased me off.

- Scylla Sunday - Nipped Out
 We won the Catnip Confections Candy Collection from Stunning CK's Gotcha Day Giveaway!!!! Mommy underestimated how strong the nip smelled.  I could smell it from the back when she opened the box and I insisted on getting to it IMMEDIATELY....

- Winsome Wednesday
Can you believe that Tsarina Tuesday got hijacked by Valentines? How rude, at least Mommy let me make tons of Valentines to make up for it. Oh you can't see me. I am hiding, I bet nobody will ever find me way up here. And no this isn't where I...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I take my job as Scylla;s personal trainer very seriously. I am trying to get her to come down and play with me but she is being stubborn and insisting on sitting on the desk. I am sure I don't know why she doesn't want to come down and...

- Scylla Sunday
I just love this blue mouse, it makes mouse sounds and everything but I am getting ahead of myself Mommy says I should start the story at the beginning not in the middle. So..................Way back on May 5th we went to KC's 4th Cinco de Mayo Party...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

