Beautiful Blogger Award

Beautiful Blogger Award

Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it.

According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and pass it on ta some others..We can do that. 

  1. The beans usually call me Mouse, Artie-Mouse, Mini Meow or The But (Socks says that the but they are saying has two t's but I thinks he is wrong). 
  2. I have just discovered the butterfly garden and visit it every chance I get.
  3. I likes to wave my tail in Socks & Scylla's faces.
  4. I loves to be petted especially by the Mom.
  5. Mommy made a BIG mistake. I am a Alpha cat just like Scylla and like my own way. We actually get along pretty good though cause we understand each other and she is teaching me some stuff that drives the beans nuts.
  6. I loves to play ( I thinks you already knew that).
  7. I LOVE scrambled eggs.
  1. I likes my orange alien  bouncy toy best of all my toys.
  2. I am a working dog now, I pull my Mommy's garden wagon for her.
  3. Sometimes I will not eat my dog food unless my Mommy feeds it to me one piece at a time.
  4. I love to sit in my Mommy's lap.
  5. I love to visit the vet. I get lots of treats there.
  6. I sniffed Artemisia's butt today when she put her tail in my face. She jumped really high and ran away.
  7. I likes to chase the Bully Geese. I never chased Mother Goose, Father Gander or the goslings when they were here.
  1. I like to sit in Mommy's lap in the morning and help her blog.
  2. My mieow sounds more like a squeak.
  3. I can run really fast when I am scared.
  4. My favorite spot to sleep is in eldest boy beans bed by the pillow that looks like Whiskers.
  5. I really liked the Fancy Fest Appetizers the Kool Kitty Krew sent us and Mommy has promised to get us more. Thank you Kool Kitty Krew.
  6. I finish eating before the other cats but I don't eat much. Artemisia actually eats the most. She finishes her bowl and then starts on mine and when she finishes mine she pushes Scylla out of the way and finishes hers.
  7. I will push Scylla out of the way to get food if I am hungry, but I won't push Artemisia out of the way.

See how mistreated I am.
  1. Artemisia won't eat Greenies so I get her share.
  2. Even though I am the heaviest I don't eat the most.
  3. I am nice to Artemisia now even though she is a royal pain in the butt sometimes, hence her nickname and Socks is right The Butt has two t's in it.
  4. I likes to help Mommy garden.
  5. I only love Mommy when she is in her bed or in the human litter box. The rest of the time I refuse to cuddle.
  6. I bite Mommy if she stops petting me before I am ready.
  7. I makes a funny chirping noise at night when Mommy is petting me.
Ok, we are each going to pass it along to one blog.

  • Brian, Sister Dolly, Sister Gracie, Sister Sascha,  & Sister Zoe @ Brian's Home
  • The Kool Kitty Krew ~ Skeeter, King, Pandora & Cricket
  • MoMo, it may be a while before she can accept the award as her naughty SS has abandoned her.
  • The Chronicle of Woos starring Ciara (the lovely new pup) and her handsome brothers Thunder & Phantom.

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