Rain Dance

Rain Dance

With gardens that needed watering,
I geared up (yesterday) for what was to be a rainy day.
You might remember that I planned to use the rainy day as a day in my garden...

However, the day proved sunny, hot and humid.

I did my level best throughout the day to perform a rain dance.
And dance as I did...no rain appeared on the horizon.
So, I weeded the garden in the sun...
moist from sweat instead of rain!

Then, later in the afternoon, when I had all but given up on the rain...
I headed out in the gator to the barn to do some chores.
I looked over my shoulder and this is what I saw behind the house...

rain clouds!
I stopped by the rooster coop to check on the boys...

A sure sign that rain was coming...the boys had retired early.

No sooner had I gotten to the barn when the skies opened up... rain...glorious rain!

Ivanka ducked under a lawn chair for protection from the raindrops.

Moonbeam and the Littles sought shelter beneath the barn roof,

while Donnie and Scarlet stood out in the rain.
Silly ponies!

And then CRASH, Boom...and a torrential downpour ensued.
It rained so hard that even the ponies sought shelter.

And Ivanka headed for the barn.

As for me, I ran back to the gator and drove to the safety of the house
to enjoy the storm from the front porch.

The good news is...
I can take watering the gardens off of my list of chores for today.
And if you by any chance need rain in your part of the world...
I will do a little rain dance for you, too!
Apparently it works!

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