It's Official

It's Official

Well, I just got back in the house from doing the afternoon feed...and I have to report that this Phyllis chicken is officially a Phillip!! I was close enough to their yard when I heard the unusual crowing....just one "dooo" short of a "cock-a-doodle". He is obviously just in the learning phase for rooster crowing. I guess this explains why all of a sudden one of the "Phyllis"s developed a bad hair day that just never went away! Oh my, now we will awaken to three roosters crowing in the hopes of ever sleeping in.

- Who's Who....part 5
Years ago, when we decided to have hens for eggs,we made it a point to avoid roosters.We bought our hens as chicks at the feed store.And all were hens. And there was peace on the farm. The next summer, we decided to increase our flock;and ordered 25...

- A Practical Guide
You may have heard what paleontologists found when they ran DNA tests on the skeletal remains of T. Rex. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's DNA was most closely related tothat of the chicken! And if you have had the opportunity to own a rooster,you...

- This Contest Is For The Birds!
Well, I thought it might be time for a Bee Haven Acres Blog Contest. You might remember that I bought 12 new chicks on April 10th at our feed store.These were the Ameracauna chickens who will eventually lay  green eggs.I bought a...

- It's A Mystery
A couple of days ago, while I was feeding my youngest flock of chickens, I heard a familiar sound from inside their henhouse. It was the sound of a young rooster, trying out his cock-a-doodle. Now, I was quite shocked to hear this sound from this particular...

- A Bad Hair Day
Yesterday evening was crazy busy...bringing in the hay before more rain came. We were able to harvest another 200 bales of beautiful grass hay from our field. The weather has been so rainy this summer, that making hay has been "touch and go". The hay...

