A Chicken In Pajamas?

A Chicken In Pajamas?

With the additional 2 ½ inches of rain the past two days,

our total rainfall since Saturday is 5 ½ inches.

We are soggy...
so soggy that the ducks don't feel the need to be in the pond.

Honestly, we have all enjoyed the break from the sun and the heat and the bugs!

What a pleasure for the equines to be able to go without fly masks and not be bothered by insects.

As for me...chores take half as long without having to water.

And the gardens are quite happy.
I spent 15 minutes last evening tying up these tomato plants.
They are growing like weeds and most have tiny tomatoes hanging from them.

The pumpkin plants have taken off as well.

My gangly teenagers usually spend their days out of doors now.
Yesterday, with all of the rain that we had, they stayed in until evening....

They all have their mature feathers now and are just miniature versions of
their adult selves.

"I can hear you, but I sure can't see you!"

This little gal is my "surprise" extra that came with my order.
To me it looks as though she's wearing pajamas, or maybe pantaloons!
I have never seen her leave the henhouse....
so maybe she IS wearing pajamas!

She's going to be a lovely hen when she fills out a bit!
I think I will call her PJ.

I am happy to report that my wedding "To Do" list is getting shorter each day.
Yesterday I finished making the pizza crusts... another 46 completed, packaged and frozen.
The decorations and flowers are finished.
The signs are finished...

We try not to waste any food...
I made this for wedding day...
to assure that food is not wasted, but rather, saved for the chickens.

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