Three Days and Counting....

Three Days and Counting....

It's been hot and sticky here all week.
High humidity...
thanks to all of the torrential downpours that have accompanied thunderstorms
almost every other day.
I think in the last two weeks we have received at least 10 inches of rain.

We are quite soggy, as you can see by our front pasture.

Despite the weather preparations for the wedding continue.

Yesterday we cleaned the front pasture,

and along with our neighbors, Jim and Kathy, mowed it as well.
You'll notice that Annie loves hanging out with the horses.
She waits and waits, hoping someone will want to chase her.

Today we finish the mowing and weed-whacking.
The reception tent arrives today, as well as the restrooms.
Once they are in place, the decorating begins!

Yesterdays chores were happily interrupted by a visit from our favorite 4 year old.

I wanted to see him this week since his birthday is tomorrow.
Yes, for those of you who have been with me on this journey for a while now,
Tyler is turning five tomorrow.
I can remember his birth like it were yesterday!

Intrigued by the sight of MaryAnn in her pool,
I am sure that Tyler weighed the pros/cons of joining her.

In the end, better judgment won out,
and MaryAnn was left to splash around in her slightly muddy pool by herself.
"There's nothing like a dip in the pool on a hot, muggy afternoon!"

"Grammie, I see two of you in this droplet.  And one of you is upside down!"

Tomorrow I will have lots of wedding prep to share with you...
more and more each day!
Hopefully today will bring us some sunshine so that we can dry out a little.
This wedding gazebo is currently surrounded by soggy, puddly grass.
If this continues, we will definitely have to have a barefoot wedding!

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