A Christmas Hack

A Christmas Hack

It's that time of year. You know, the time when you make a mad scramble to find the perfect gift for all those perfect people in your life. As if there isn't enough pressure with Christmas being December 25th, my Mother's birthday is December 9th (yep that's right two presents to find and wrap) and Lord Epa's birthday is December 19th (too many presents to count, and he is still adding to HIS list). What's a girl to do????


At least Mom and Lord Epa tell me what they want, other people make me search for that elusive gift that say "Yes, that's ___________ to a T." So what does my Mom want. A Kitchen Utensil Holder, easy enough right? Wrong, it has to go with her kitchen decor, it has to be large enough to hold her utensils................................

While searching for the perfect Kitchen Utensil Holder I found this craft. I may resort to using it, it looks cute and simple enough that even I can't mess it up.

- ¡feliz Cumpleaños!
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- Miscellaneous Musings
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- Just When I Think People Can't Get Any Stupider
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