Just When I Think People Can't Get Any Stupider

Just When I Think People Can't Get Any Stupider

One would think that a Christmas wreath with a peace sign displayed on a homeowners home wouldn't provoke criticism but.................Neighbors incensed by peace-sign wreath proved that supposition wrong.

Then there is Scott Korb and Leon Morris's smug column Christmas belongs to Christians. Never mind that half the so called "Christmas traditions" have pagan roots, and very little to do with the birth of Christ.

Many Pagan cultures used to cut boughs of evergreen trees in December, move them into the home or temple, and decorate them. Modern-day Pagans still do. This was to recognize the winter solstice -- the time of the year that had the shortest daylight hours, and longest night of the year.

Gift giving is one of the oldest customs associated with Christmas: it is actually older than the holiday itself. When the date of Christmas was set to fall in December, it was done at least in part to compete with ancient pagan festivals that occurred about the same time. The Romans, for example, celebrated the Saturnalia on December 17. It was a winter feast of merrymaking and gift exchanging. And two weeks later, on the Roman New Year--January 1, houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and gifts were given to children and the poor. As the Germanic tribes of Europe accepted Christianity and began to celebrate Christmas, they also gave gifts.

No one knows exactly how mistletoe became connected with Christmas. Ancient Celtic priests, called Druids, used to give people sprigs of the plant as a charm. Hundreds of years ago, some people in Europe used it at religious gatherings.

Instead of Christians complaining about the term "Happy Holidays" being used, maybe Pagans should be complaining that Christians "stole" their holidays.

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