Miscellaneous Musings

Miscellaneous Musings

I haven't been feeling well a nasty cold combined with vertigo has pretty much knocked me out of commission.

I have to agree with Angela over at Mother Crone's Homeschool, Teenagers Rock! Lord Epa and Shining Celebi have been very good about fixing meals, keeping the kitchen clean and helping out with the laundry. The one day that I did feel good, we all had a terrific time together going out to eat and then on to the grocery store to stock up on supplies. We were in a bit of a pickle until Shining Celebi got home as Lord Epa doesn't have his driver's license, Hubby was in San Diego and I didn't feel like going anywhere.

While the house is decorated for Christmas, the tree isn't decorated. Since no one else has offered to decorate it and frankly I still don't feel like it, it may remain undecorated. At least I did get the tree up and the Santas out before I started feeling bad. I haven't gotten the presents wrapped either. Luckily most of the stuff I hadn't already picked up could be ordered on-line and delivered to my door. I haven't gotten anything wrapped yet and I simply must find the time and energy to wrap Lord Epa's birthday presents before Wednesday. At least the Birthday Pie he wants is simple to make and I am sure that he will agree to make it himself if I am not up to it.

I did manage to finish Bel Canto by Ann Patchett this week. It has a rich tapestry of characters. I am still bummed out over the heartbreaking ending, even knowing logically that there was no way I was going to get a happy ending I really wanted Gen & Carmen to get married and live happily ever after, Cesar to become a famous opera singer and Ishmael to be adopted by Ruben. This is a book well worth reading if you have the chance.

- Organization And Homeschooling
For me organization is key to homeschooling. I usually draw up lesson plans over the summer and during our Christmas break and very few things have us deviating from my plan. But I have found it helpful to give Lord Epa a certain amount of control over...

- ¡feliz Cumpleaños!
I finally got around to fixing Lord Epa's birthday meal. He wanted steak, twice baked potatoes creamed spinach, and the Alawine Holiday Pie. Except for the creamed spinach it wasn't a complicated menu. He did at least get to open his presents...

- What's Up In Alasandra's World ~manekineko
Apparently everyone I know (even those people I only know through the Internet) have been experiencing the crud, in one form or another. It started in our household with Shining Celebi, preceded to Hubby and then just as Hubby had recovered and was leaving...

- Do You Want To Be A Medical Laboratory Technician?
by alasand First off I want to thank Lisa for setting up this field trip and inviting the Alawine's to tag along. We had a wonderful time. If you are interested in a medical laboratory career click here for more information. We visited the Keesler...

- A Christmas Hack
It's that time of year. You know, the time when you make a mad scramble to find the perfect gift for all those perfect people in your life. As if there isn't enough pressure with Christmas being December 25th, my Mother's birthday is December...

