A Civil War In Our Public Schools

A Civil War In Our Public Schools

In the Jackson Public Schools, the general is trying to oust a lieutenant and the lieutenant has accused the boss of sexual harassment. After several days of an unprecedented public hearing, the bloodletting has been unbelievable.

- New York Parents Angry Over Public School Grade
Jim Devor, the father of a fifth-grader at P.S. 58 in Brooklyn - which got a D on its report card- said students there were "strongly invited" to attend Saturday test-prep sessions but have no time to discuss current events like the presidential campaign....

- Should Tax Money Be Used To Fund Religious Charter Schools?
A school opening this month is named for a Jewish high priest, is directed by a rabbi, will have kosher food and will teach Hebrew. It's also a public school, funded by public tax dollars and following state curriculum guidelines. Ben Gamla Charter...

- Pro-uni Public School Parents Are Intolerant Jerks
Supposedly public schools teach our children tolerance. You would never know it from the comments of these pro-uni parents who viciously attack parents who are against mandatory school uniforms in public schools. ...

- Paddling Not Just A Christian Fundamentalist Issue
Jackson Public Schools board members are discussing the pros and cons of resuming the use of paddling as punishment. Though allowed by a majority of public school districts in the state, the practice was abolished in 1991 in the state's largest school...

- Public School Executive Misspending Public Funds?
Read Jackson Public Schools controversy: Follow through is crucial by Sid Salter. Did a public education CEO fire a subordinate without cause? Did a public education school executive misspend public funds? Those are the issues that matter. So why isn't...

