A Garden Takes Shape

A Garden Takes Shape

After many hours of tilling and raking, the plot of land that once was a beautiful vegetable garden is again starting to take shape. The rows of strawberries are uncovered and stretching their leafy arms towards the sun. The soil is soft and teeming with worms. The compost is worked in and releasing its' nutrients. Several mounds are planted with onions, garlic, sugar peas, beets, lettuce, spinach and radishes. Seeds that were started in the greenhouse are beginning to germinate, sending tiny leaves upwards towards the light and warmth of the sun. There is still so much more to be done, but it feels great to have a jump start on the work. How tasty that first Spring salad will be with these wonderful greens. Last year we planted about 40 asparagas roots. This year will be our first mini harvest of asparagas. We will harvest just a small amount of the shoots as they errupt through the earth. The rest will be allowed to remain to strengthen the plants. Next Spring's harvest should be a large one.....Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmm...there is nothing like fresh asparagas spears....steamed as soon as they are cut. You just cannot get any fresher than that!

- The Early Bird
So, tell me...Does the early get the???? If, so then we are definitely early birds this year,and hopefully will soon have lots of worms.(It helps that I have a shipment of 10,000 due to arrive any day now!) We spent some time this weekend prepping garden...

- Harvesting
Up at the crack of dawn.... and out to do the animal chores.Once those were completed, I headed to the garden to do somewatering, weeding and harvesting.It was even too early for my usual help... While so much of the country is dealing with storms and...

- Garden Views
I am so happy I could just dance! "Why?"  you ask. Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy.... and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front. The sugar peas are just...

- Garden Party
The really warm weather that we had last week may be gone for now, but signs of Spring still remain.  This past weekend Hubbs and I finished moving oak bark mulch into the vegetable garden.  (A big thanks to our adopted "son" Tim for moving...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

