A Perfect Autumn Day

A Perfect Autumn Day

I thought I would share some pictures from this weekend. It was one of those perfect Autumn weekends....the air was crisp, the leaves turned and falling. The farm has taken on a lazier feel now that summer has ended. The animals are starting to grow their winter coats and seem to be happy to say goodbye to the heat of previous months. I took Moonbeam from the pasture and ran him around the dry-lot for a few minutes in preparation for riding him. It is always good for him to get the running out of his system first. Jack captured a few pictures of him running. He is such a splendid sight....mane and tail flying in the wind, pure joy in his hooves..... Next we tacked-up and went up to the arena for a little work.

When we arrived back at the barn we were greeted by the screeching crazy guinea hens...doing their thing (not sure what that is, but they do it all over a half mile radius) You can see how they march in formation. What a crazy bunch of birds!
Here are more pictures from the weekend. By the way, Tin Lizzy is our old tractor...she is almost 60 years old and still runs fine!!!

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