A Photo Op and a Garden Video

A Photo Op and a Garden Video

"Ok, Gracie, line up beside your girls...it's family portrait time."

MaryAnn:  "Pictures?  Wait for me!"

"But MaryAnn, I wanted to take a family portrait, first."

MaryAnn:  "Here, wait a minute, this is my best side."

"But MaryAnn, I wanted to get a picture of the lambs."

MaryAnn:  "Lambs, schmambs... Here, get this....my best pin-up shot!"

Meanwhile, the sheep, who notoriously have a very short attention span, moved on.

What's that they always say about the grass being greener?
Oh, but what a cute little butt Faith has...

Thankfully, her little tail affords her a bit of modesty.
And how about those black leg warmers?

Precious Hope with her enormous eye lashes....

So, if you have some free time on your hands,
stop by for a visit below...
I made another garden tour video.

(I was asked before about the slight "motor" sound in my videos...
that is the sound that the auto-focus makes.)

I warn you.... you might want a cup of tea and some crumpets...
the video is a little long...
(the garden is big!)

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