100 % Chance of.....SUN!

100 % Chance of.....SUN!

What was predicted to be a rainy weekend was mostly sunny.
I had a chance to finish all of the planting by the end of Saturday...
just in time for a great shower Saturday night.
No watering needed!

I finished another galvanized container grouping...

Socialization of the lambs is coming along nicely...
by 50%.
Hope is turning out to be quite friendly.

She takes after her Mama for sure.

She is also very photogenic!

Faith is still a little "spooky" and prefers to not be touched.
However, if you are lucky to be able to pick her up...
she falls asleep in your arms.

Sammy would give anything to play with the lambs...
but first he has to get past Gracie...
who butts him in the head when he approaches.

Ginger and MaryAnn have still only visited over the fence.
I'm not in a hurry to let them mingle yet.
I think I will wait until the lambs are close to full grown.

- Grammy Camp....day One
Now that we are in the heat of summer,I have stopped leading Gracie and her lambs back to the barn each night. Instead, they stay out in their yard all day and night. Their mornings are spent grazing.Their afternoons are spent under this grove of trees,resting...

- A Photo Op And A Garden Video
"Ok, Gracie, line up beside your girls...it's family portrait time." MaryAnn:  "Pictures?  Wait for me!" "But MaryAnn, I wanted to take a family portrait, first." MaryAnn:  "Here, wait a minute, this is my best side." "But MaryAnn,...

- Gracie And The Lambs Go On The Lam
One of our daily tasks right now is the process of socializing the lambs.Gracie....she's been a piece of cake...all it takes is a packet of Ritz crackers and she'd follow you anywhere.ANYWHERE! That is, until yesterday morning....when for some...

- Following The Leader
You may have wondered... when you saw yesterday's post of the lambs outside...how I got Gracie and the lambs outside by myself. Gracie is such a good girl and leads very well...especially when I am carrying a pack of Ritz crackers! The babies just...

- Happy Spring!!!
Yesterday we enjoyed the calm before the storm.Sunny, mid-40's...delightful. All of the animals were out lying in the sun.It was a peaceful day on the farm...and one that could convince anyone that Spring was knocking on the door. And then it snowed....but...

