The Many Faces of MaryAnn

The Many Faces of MaryAnn

Sometimes it almost seems like my animals understand the purpose of the camera.
Perhaps that's because I am never without it.
They are all quite used to the sound of the shutter.

 As I sat there on the ground with my camera poised...
MaryAnn and I had quite an animated discussion...

Me:  "MaryAnn, you need to brush your teeth."

MaryAnn: "But, I don't own a toothbrush."

Me:  "You can borrow Daddy's!"

MaryAnn: "Hahahahaha! that's funny."

MaryAnn:  "What flavor toothpaste... grass?"
Me:  "Peppermint....I don't think they have grass flavored toothpaste."

MaryAnn:  "No thanks, Mom.  I'll pass on the toothbrushing."

Me:  "I'm sure your Daddy's relieved to hear that!"


After 6 long, cold months, I am so happy to tell you that our bees survived the winter.
They are outside happily buzzing around.
We are feeding them sugar water for now, but as soon as the trees start to blossom,
they will be out gathering nectar and making precious honey once again.

Yesterday I was able to prime and paint the fairy garden box.

I started laying out a couple of areas....much more planting is needed.
I thought you might like a little sneak peek....

There is so much more to be done as the weather gets warmer.

I love letting my imagination drift into the tiny world of fairies, gnomes and elves...
How about you?
Do you still have the imagination of a child?
It's something we should try to never lose!

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- Too Close For Comfort
Me: "Hey Ginger, MaryAnn... come out and play.  It's a beautiful day!Ginger:  "Sorry, I just ate.  It's nap time." MaryAnn:  "I'll come out, Mom.  Got any peanut butter celery?" Me:  "No, sorry... just Bobby...

- Am I Dreaming?
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