A Piece of History

A Piece of History

We are very fortunate to have a piece of history on our land.
The log cabin that sits at the entrance to our farm is the oldest structure in our area,
and perhaps in our county.

It is well over 200 years old...
Revolutionary War era.

As you can see by the logs on this wall,
 it was originally a small one room cabin built over a spring.
The lower right section was the original building.

At some point it was expanded to twice as wide;
and a second story was added.

I get so many questions about this cabin,
so I thought I would answer them here.

The cabin was inhabited until the mid 60's.
In it's later years some rudimentary electricity was added.
It does not have running water.
Instead, the water supply is in the basement....the springhouse.

The door to the springhouse is made of open slats to allow for air circulation.

This prevents rotting of the floor boards above from too much humidity.
The floors are original.

The cabin has shifted some over the years,
and continues to do so even today.
It's foundation has weakened a bit due to heavy rains.

Every few years we have a company called Humble Restorations
look at the structure and make the necessary repairs
in order to keep it standing.

A tiny, narrow staircase leads up to the second floor.

Upstairs, the walls have layer upon layer of peeling paint and paper.

Beneath the top layers of wall paper (which are quite old)
are very old newspapers (used as insulation).

The windows are rippled glass.

The door is wonderful chippy paint.

The doorways are quite small
and the ceilings are low.

We use the structure only for storage.
I fear it is not sound enough for human habitation.

But it is quaint and lovely in an aging sort of way.

We will maintain it in order to keep it standing for as long as possible...
a tiny living piece of our country's history.
And home to these two...
(as well as a few squirrels and raccoons, too)

I couldn't leave you today without at least one picture of some animals....

Have a wonderful weekend!

We may be getting a bit of snow here.
Needless to say, our warm temperatures have been replaced by a wintry chill!

PS....I just had postcards (with envelopes) printed of the pigs...really cute pics.
Do you think there is a market to sell these??
Let me know what you think.
(I am thinking that these pigs need to earn a living...
since their only other purpose in life is being cute!)
(They will NEVER be bacon!)

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