Moonie, the Mooch

Moonie, the Mooch

At the base of our driveway is a wonderful historic landmark....
a 250 year old log cabin.

Once a one room log cabin built over a spring,
it was enlarged to include a second downstairs room and an upstairs.

The date of this renovation is unknown.

Although this piece of history serves no real purpose,
we have tried over the years to keep it in tip-top shape.

Over time, however, rainwater running off of the roof,
 has caused the foundation to begin to collapse.

For the past several weeks we have had a gentleman, who specializes in restorations,
work on the water issues to assure that our little landmark will last beyond our lifetimes.

Besides reinforcing the foundation with concrete,
he has also installed rustic gutters.

These gutters drain onto a chain that directs the rainwater 

into an old whiskey barrel cistern.

Isn't that cool?
The whiskey barrel then drains into a channel on the back side of the cabin
that directs the water away from the foundation.

Meanwhile, back at the barn...
While the pigs are away...

and outside during the day...

Moonie and Donnie are trying their level best to mooch some hay!

Moonbeam bends down as low as he can
to eat what little hay he can grab in front of the door.

He has only once broken through the fence.
I added these boards so that the pigs could have their door open.
Attaching them on the inside was a necessity so that the door could be closed at night.

1500 pounds of Haflinger can push his way through this door if he really wants.

"Who me?" Moonbeam says innocently.

Yeah, Moonie, I see that hay hanging out of your lips!
Meanwhile Donnie acts completely innocent.
"I'm just standing here scratching my back, Mom."

Needless to say, the door got closed and locked for the remainder of the afternoon.
Fat horses don't need snacks!

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- Breaking And Entering
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